Monday, June 9, 2008

Party Like it's 1999???

(Picture of Courtney and Cierra when Cierra is getting ready to come home from the hospital)
Today one of our co-workers had his wife to bring their 6 week old baby by work. He has been telling us about all of the differences between his oldest child and the new baby. The new baby likes to scream her head off from the hours of 4:00 pm - 10:00pm. He said his oldest never done anything like that. No matter what no siblings are just alike.
I started think about my 2 girls and the differences they have. One thing they did have in common was they were both wonderful babies. Courtney started sleeping through the night at about 3 weeks and Cierra started sleeping through the night at 6 weeks. That is all they have ever had in common besides family.
I loved seeing his new baby. The little fingers and toes. The sweet little smile and that baby smell. No matter how sweet they are there is no way I would ever want to go back to the baby stages. The dirty diapers, packing a diaper bag, all of the checkups, and making bottles. Even though I don't want to go through that again I am so glad I had that wonderful experience with my girls. It was a hard stage in life to go through but at the same time it is the most memorable and unforgettably wonderful stage to go through.

I think my co-worker is going to make it through the baby stages but I think that baby is going to break him down. If not now she will get him when she's a teenager.