Sunday, June 29, 2008

VBS Kick Off

Well Saturday we had our VBS kick off. This is my first year helping with this and I can't help but to be a little bit nervous. I told Mrs. Valerie (the lady in charge of our VBS) I didn't feel qualified to teach a class but I would be happy to help with the food. She then asked if I would be in charge of the food. I told her I would. I am hoping I do a good job. I am going to serve for the most part healthy food which is mainly fruit. I just really hope the kids like it.

The kick off was really fun. We all ate and then played games with the kids. We even colored the kids hair with colored hair spray. Bro. Kennith even had his hair colored. I really do enjoy being a part of this church. I just hope they don't hate me after my effort with the food.